Lhasa Apso Association of Wales and South West

Championship Show 14th November 2010

Judge Juliette Cunliffe




Dog C.C.                                 Phillips Ch Dimara Gorgeous George JW


Res Dog C.C.                          Holland’s Ch Vaderlands Feel the Force


Bitch C.C. and BIS:                  Andersson’s   Ch Polielins Whitney with Tantra JW


Res Bitch C.C & RBIS:            Ellis and Bell’s Nedlik Limited Edition


Best Puppy                               Ellis’ Nedlik Wot a Madam


Best Veteran                            Waterhouse’ Ch Chtaura All U Need is Luv JW


My thanks for all organisers and exhibitors for a lovely day, though I have to admit to having been very disappointed by many exhibits, particularly the males, though my top winners in this sex saved the day.

 The bitches were much more even in quality, and generally of a significantly higher standard, but breeders must remember that they must also keep quality males if the breed is to continue to improve and not step backward in time.

 I found forehand construction in many exhibits well below the standard I would have hoped for, especially amongst males where good straight forelegs were few and far between! Hind movement varied greatly, as I have come to expect in this breed, often the high kick-back behind coming as a result of incorrect, upright shoulder placement. There were some exhibits with highly typical heads and expressions, others far less so.

 Coat presentation was in most cases good, but there should be more to a Lhasa Apso than just hair-dressing. I am sorry to sound scathing, but I really wonder if some exhibitors have any idea at all how a dog should be constructed under its coat.  A judge’s eye can perhaps be deceived, but not his/her hands and breeders and exhibitors would do well to remember that. I feel I ought to mention here too, that the use of squeaky toys in the ring is a ‘no no’; it should not be necessary and is unfair to other exhibits.

Yes, I am forthright, but I strongly feel that unless the problems are brought publicly to light our breed will carry on in its own merry way and, as has already happened to an extent, we shall have created picture-postcard Apsos, not those that are typical of the breed and can go on to produce future generations of which we can justly be proud.

Veteran Dog



Waterhouse’ Ch/Am Ch Chtaura Dream Machine (Re-Imp) 11 yr old gold, still with a full set of teeth. Good straight topline, but a touch loose in elbow. Excellent coat texture. Good balance. Moved and presented well.



Saunders Ch Bellellen Boy O’ Boy  Another quality dog (7 yrs) with a lovely coat texture, but carrying a little too much weight, causing him to lose his topline both standing and on the move.




Minor Puppy Dog

5 (2)


Holland’s Kutani Talk Talk with Vaderlands  - Rich red at 8 mths. Lovely dark eye with excellent pigment and good coat. I shall keep my fingers crossed for his bite, but time is young yet and it does not detract from his good expression. Topline sufficiently settled for his age, but forelegs could be straighter. Moved well and with an abundance of confidence. BPD



Waterhouse’ Chtaura Follow Me Follow You - Once again I would have appreciated straighter forelegs, but when he has gained more confidence in the ring he will have a lot going for him. Good bite. Pleasing coat texture.



Langford’s Quaytown Acer



Puppy Dog

3 (1)


Davidson-Jones’ Peakajay I’m Geno - Pleasing head and expression with good dark eye. Gold sable with black tipping; excellent pigment as I would expect in this colour. A little longer cast than I appreciate. Good topline but forehand should be very much better if it is to be typical of the breed.



Bryan and Pratten’s  Chironstar Bridge over Shazhencan - B/white, higher in leg than one above and not holding his topline so well. My winner scored on head and expression. Well carried tail. Moved with confidence, but once again his forehand left much to be desired.




Junior Dog

 4 (1)


Quelch’s Rossgilde Another Dream with Ardquin - Gold with soundly constructed body and well-laid shoulder. Typical hind movement. Good mouth but I would have preferred a less full eye. Well presented. 



Phillips’ Dimara Top O’th Morning - Pleasing head and expression and scored in eye.  Good coat texture and well-presented, but too exaggerated in hind movement and could have been sounder in front. Well set tail. 



Deacon’s Andolyn Sky Diver



Yearling Dog

4 (2)


Quelch’s Rossgilde Another Dream with Ardquin



Deacon’s Andolyn Sky Diver - A gold dog who moved with lots of confidence carrying good topline. Good pigment. Nicely presented. 



Novice Dog

4 (3)


Quelch’s Rossgilde Another Dream with Ardquin




Graduate Dog

2 (1)


Quelch’s Rossgilde Another Dream with Ardquin




Post Graduate Dog



Bell’s Vallena Almeida - Grey and white, a clear winner in this class with pleasing expression. Well put together with good ribbing including depth of rib. Typical hind movement, such a pleasure to see. Good shoulder, but just a touch loose in forehand presently, though at barely 2 yrs old this still has time to strengthen.



Deacon’s Shardlow Air Trafic Control over Andolyn Sh CM - Gold parti. Rather too full in eye, but scored constructually over those placed behind him. Typical hind movement and pleasingly put together. Moved with confidence.



Cassidy’s Exephials Smoking Gun 


Bryan & Pratten’s Belazieth Master Htut at Shazhencan





Mid Limit Dog



Bryan’s Fabulous Phoenix of Shazhencan - Gold dog, well up to size, but soundly made in general but hind action note entirely typilcal. Well-presented. Good bite and scored in expression.



Carter’s Vowchurch Chico Time - I would have appreciated a less-full eye, but typically constructed and of correct size. Gold/wh parti. Well laid shoulder, good ribbing and loin. Moved true fore and aft with confidence.



Paradise’ Shardlow Two Smokin Barrels


Richardson’s Belazieth Hello I’m So Lucky



Limit Dog

4 (1)


Scott’s Shardlow Ruby Walsh with Wolferlow JW - Gold dog well up to size and expressing masculinity, but not exaggerated fore or aft. Well made with sufficient shoulder angulation. Well set tail and coat of correct texture.



Dungate & Minton’s Forochel Toonado - Black/wh, longer cast than one above. Pleasing head and eye. Muzzle a touch longer than I appreciate. Lovely coat of correct texture. Fairly good shoulder but not entirely settled in forehand.



Paradise’ Shardlow Pilot of the Future JW Sh CM



Open Dog

4 (1)


Phillips Ch Dimara Gorgeous George JW - Beautifully balanced grey slate dog with lovely head, eye and expression. Well made all through with correctly laid shoulder. Moved soundly and typically fore and aft (initially my eye was just deceived by the white coat between his forelegs for those who were watching). Excellent coat quality and so well presented.  DCC



Holland’s Ch Vaderlands Feel the Force - My winner just scored in head and expression, but this is another soundly made dog with gold coat of correct texture. Well balanced and not exaggerated in any way, which I appreciate so much. Another with well placed shoulder, allowing him to move soundly. RDCC



Dickinson, Taylor & Ventura-Moore  Ch Terendak’s Record Signing




Dog C.C.

Phillips Ch Dimara Gorgeous George JW

Res Dog C.C.

Holland’s Ch Vaderlands Feel the Force

Best Puppy Dog

Holland’s Kutani Talk Talk with Vaderlands 






Veteran Bitch



Waterhouse’s Ch Chtaura All U Need is Luv JW - Such a feminine beautifully balanced grey slate, 7 yr old bitch. Nice strong neck and good shoulder. Pleasing eye and expression.  Well constructed throughout, allowing her to move with sound typicality. Correct coat texture. BVIS



Bushell’s Ch Chtaura Prima Donna for Jamikasoka - 8 yrs. Heavier in frame than one above but sound fore and aft, with good ribbing. Pleasing expression and moved well holding firm topline. Not exaggerated in any way.



Paradise’s Shardlow Party Popper JW Sh CM


Carter’s Vowchurch Still Wishing



Minor Puppy Bitch


6 (3)


Waterhouse’s Chtaura Hot in the City - Delightful young puppy, so feminine but with just enough substance.  Sound forequarters and typical ribbing. Good head and expression with correct pigment. Clearly enjoying her day out!



Dickinson, Taylor & Ventura-Moore Twobytu’s Take Two Terendak - Heavier in body that my winner and less good in forehand. Lots of coat. Moved with confidence.



Langford’s Quaytown Angelica 



Puppy Bitch

10 (2)


Ellis’ Nedlik Wot a Madam - Well balanced black. Correctly placed shoulder and sound fore and aft, both standing and on the move. Beautiful head and expression, with good eye and mouth. Excellent tail set completed the picture. A delightful puppy of outstanding quality. BPIS



Bell’s Vallena Morla - Gold/wh, close up to one above. Another high quality puppy with well-laid shoulder and excellent topline. Just felt my winner scored on hind construction at this early age. Two puppies with great futures I’m sure.



Scott’s Wolferlow Emilia Fox


Bell’s Vallena Minacent


Carter’s Vowchurch Viva La Diva



Junior Bitch

9 (3)


Phillips’ Dimara Irish Mist - Superbly balanced grey sable in excellent coat of correct texture. So well put together all through, with good head, skull and eye shape. Only five lower incisors, but this did not detract from her expression in any way. Moved very soundly, holding excellent topline. Well-set tail. A top contender. 



Clancy’s Dobriach Orpheline Clancaniter - Lovely head and expression on this b/wh. Very soundly put together all through, although higher in leg than my winner. Still needs to mature in coat. Moved well.



Saunders Jorjenjo Ultimate Gold of Bellellen  


Arnold’s Raushanara Moon Lilly 


Langford’s Jamikasoka Hear Say at Quaytown 



Yearling Bitch



Clancy’s Dobriach Orpheline Clancaniter 



Lewis’ Nemmi Another Dimond by Deelayne - I appreciated this bitch’s balance, but my winner scored in head and expression. Lots of quality coat and well made all through. I have written in my notes, ‘A real madam’.



Roach’s Anjesics Dream Maker JW




Novice Bitch

6 (1)


Clancy’s Dobriach Orpheline Clancaniter 



Carter’s Vowchurch Viva La Diva - 9 mth old gold sable with black tipping. Pleasing head and expression. Good coat. Well put together and moved correctly.



Paradise Shardlow Allo Vera 


Saunders Jorjenjo Ultimate Gold of Bellellen



Graduate Bitch



Lewis’ Nemmi Another Dimond by Deelayne 



Post Graduate Bitch




Bell’s Vallena Adelia - Grey/wh part, nicely put together with good expression and mouth. Excellent shoulder placement. Typically correct ribbing. Sound fore and aft.



Carter’s Vowchurch Maid of Magic - A larger, less feminine bitch, but soundly constructed. Moved well.



Cassidy’s Exephials Smile in the Dark 


Bushell’s Jamikasoka Dirty Dancing at Shigatse (taf)



Mid Limit Bitch

3 (3)



Limit Bitch

7 (3)


Ellis & Bell’s Nedlik Limited Edition -

Bl/wh 3 yr old. A dream to go over in all respects, pleasing my eye both standing and on the move. Good mouth, eye and expression. Well laid shoulder. Excellent coat quality and presentation. Well set tail. Love everything about her. RBCC and that I placed her RBIS over my excellent DCC winner is indicative of my appreciation of her outstanding qualities.



Lewis’ Deelayne Illustrious - Different in balance from one above, but another quality bitch. My winner scored in expression. Soundly made and moved well. Well set tail.



Watts-Catley’s Dimara Ma Baker for Zanamop



Bushell’s Jamikasoka Shady Lady




Open Bitch

7 (3)


Anderson’s Ch Polielins Whitney with Tantra JW - Super black 3 yr old with excellent head and expression. Beautifully balanced with well-laid shoulder. So sound all through. Moved typically fore and aft. A sheer delight to go over. Her high quality coat was so well presented and finished the perfect picture. BCC & BIS



Chamberlain’s Avonborne Touch and Tell at Chobrang - Although larger than is my ideal for a bitch, this b/wh is so sound all though and typical in so many ways. Correctly set tail. Moved well.



Roach’s Cossy’s Pistachio Cream at Anjesics


Paju Chic Choix Chic Is It




2 (1)


Carter’s Brace - So many typicalities from this loving Lhasa Apso kennel. 



Bitch C.C.

Anderson’s Ch Polielins Whitney with Tantra JW


Res Bitch C.C.

Ellis & Bell’s Nedlik Limited Edition


Best Puppy Bitch

Ellis’ Nedlik Wot a Madam