Application for Membership form

Membership rates for 2010 are:
£6 Single membership
£8 Joint membership
£3.50 Junior membership
£8 Europe, £9 Overseas


Name ................................................................





Post Code .........................................................

Telephone .........................................................

E-Mail ..............................................................


Date .................................................................

Proposed by member............................................ Print proposer's name ..................................................

Seconded by member............................................ Print seconder's name ..................................................

Please print and send this form to the Secretary:
Mrs P Torrance, Sandy's, Pollards Moor Road, Copythorne, Southampton, S40 2NZ.
Tel 023 8081 3007

Please read the Rules and Code of Ethics.


These feature our Association's emblem of an Apso head, as pictured on the front cover of this schedule. They will be on sale at the show but can only be ordered from the Hon. Secretary by post. In which case please be kind enough to enclose a postage stamp, or include second class stamp on your cheque or postal order
(Cheques payable to LAAW&SW)

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